efs class

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Reg Saunders biographu timeline

  • Reg Saunders born in 1920
  • From 1937, Reg ran a sawmill with his father and brother,
  • In 1940 joined  to fight in the Second World War
  •  Crete was invaded in May 1941
  •  escaped British submarine and returned to Australia in 1942
  • promoted to lieutenant in 1944.
  • married 1944
  • discharged from the army in 1945
  • In 1950 rejoined the army as a lieutenant to fight in the Korean War
  • requested discharge from the army in 1954
  •  recruited to the Office of Aboriginal Affairs in 1969 
  • continued working in Canberra until his retirement in 1980
  •  recognised for his community work in 1971 
  • died in 1990,

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